Sauder Schelkopf is investigating potential class action lawsuits on behalf of medical professionals who have been forced to use their own time off, including sicks days, to self-quarantine after coming in contact with COVID-19 while on the job.
It has been reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer on March 25, 2020, that:
In a review of 23 Pennsylvania health systems, more than half, including Einstein Medical Center and, at the time the survey was conducted, Temple University Hospital systems, required nurses and technicians to use their own time for quarantine, which can include sick or accrued paid time off, according to a survey of members conducted by the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals, which represents about 8,500 health-care workers statewide.
Related News:
Surging Health Care Worker Quarantines Raise Concerns As Coronavirus Spreads
Experience Matters
Sauder Schelkopf recently secured a $1.5 million settlement on behalf of 300 former employees of a North Carolina aviation maintenance facility. We also represented former employees of a Texas cabinetry manufacturer in an $800,000 settlement.
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