A whistleblower can be anyone with knowledge of fraud by an employer or other business.

A whistleblower suit brought on behalf of the government may include individuals or businesses who fail to pay the government the full amount it’s entitled, overcharging for a product or service or providing a defective product.

Whistleblowers are generally entitled to a percentage of an amount the government collects in a successful action. The amount of the whistleblower’s reward depends on many factors but will generally range from 10 to 30 percent of the government’s recovery. The False Claims Act also prohibits an employer from harassing or retaliating against an employee for attempting to uncover or report fraud on the federal government. If retaliation does occur, the whistleblower may be awarded “all relief necessary to make the employee whole,” including reinstatement, back pay, two times the amount of back pay, litigation costs, and attorney fees.

Contact the attorneys at Sauder Schelkopf today for a confidential discussion about your potential case.

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