Drug manufacturers owe a significant responsibility to consumers before the marketing and sale of its products.

The manufacturers must first test, manufacture, package and market their products within the guidelines of the law, as well as accurately representing adverse reactions and risk factors associated with their drugs to consumers. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers remain compliant and act within the guidelines of the law.

Dangerous drugs law firm

Drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can take on serious and dangerous characteristics when a manufacturer:

  • Fails to accurately represent the effectiveness of the drug
  • Dangerously alters the manufacturing process after FDA approval to reduce costs
  • Fails to communicate known risk factors
  • Purposefully (and illegally) markets a drug for off-label use (outside of FDA approval)

The attorneys at Sauder Schelkopf will stand up for patients and families that have been devastated by these types of dangerous drugs.

Contact the attorneys at Sauder Schelkopf today for a confidential discussion about your potential case.

Some examples of personal injury include:
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