Countless reports of sexual misconduct continue to emerge.  All types of institutions have been directly impacted: public high schools, private schools, boarding schools, and universities.  Offenses including possession of pornography, sexual assault, and rape have been reported.

Though #MeToo has brought the issue to the forefront of American culture, it has not shown us how to effectively handle and resolve the issues.  Unfortunately, officials in authority positions such as teachers, headmasters, coaches, or principals are either perpetrators of these offenses or are guilty of not handling them in a way that promotes the health and safety of the victims and/or the overall security of the institution they are entrusted to protect.  Often, they turn a “blind eye” to the allegations when they learn about them.

Victims’ accounts are emerging that occurred in the 1970s and 1980s so it is likely that more scandals will be forthcoming in the future.   Academia is slow to change, but #MeToo may force a quicker evolution.

Experience Matters

Sauder Schelkopf has significant experience fighting for victims of sexual assault.   Our former sexual assault prosecutors have extensive experience investigating and trying hundreds of sexual assault cases on behalf of victims of all ages.  Sauder Schelkopf currently represents a class of University of Southern California students who were sexually assaulted by the school’s gynecologist. Read our class action lawsuit here.

We Want to Hear from You

If you were a victim of sexual abuse, contact the sexual assault attorneys at Sauder Schelkopf for a free confidential consultation by filling out the form on this page.