Sauder Schelkopf LLC is investigating a potential class action lawsuit against GM on behalf of owners of GMC Sierra trucks (model years 2014-19) who have had their vehicles stolen. According to the Highway Loss Data Institute, the GMC Sierra gets stolen at about four times the rate of the typical auto. This may be due to the way the GMC Sierra was designed and manufactured, thereby making it easy for thieves to steal.

If you have experienced a theft of your GMC Sierra truck, please contact the lawyers at Sauder Schelkopf by filling out the form on this page.

Sauder Schelkopf ( is a leading national class action law firm that advances the interests of its clients by recovering the money they have lost, and obtaining the relief to which they are entitled. The lawyers at Sauder Schelkopf have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of consumers and have earned their reputation as skilled and aggressive veteran litigators.