A class action settlement has been reached in In re Subaru Battery Drain Products Liability Litigation, No. 1:20-CV-03095-JHR-JS (D.N.J.). The lawsuit alleges that the Settlement Class Vehicles suffer from a design defect that can cause battery drain. The parties have reached a settlement, and the details of the settlement can be found on the settlement website: https://www.subarubatterysettlement.com/. You can also access the official court authorized notice, which describes the settlement, by clicking here.

You are a Settlement Class Member if you are a resident of the continental United States, including Hawaii or Alaska, who currently owns or leases, or previously owned or leased, a Settlement Class Vehicle originally purchased or leased in the continental United States, including Alaska or Hawaii. The Settlement Class is not intended to exclude military personnel  stationed overseas. Settlement Class Vehicles include model year 2015-2020 Outback, 2015-2020 Forester, 2015-2020 Legacy, 2015-2020 WRX, and 2019-2020 Ascent.

Sauder Schelkopf (sauderschelkopf.com) is a leading national class action law firm that advances the interests of its clients by recovering the money they have lost, and obtaining the relief to which they are entitled. The lawyers at Sauder Schelkopf have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of consumers and have earned their reputation as skilled and aggressive veteran litigators.