Sauder Schelkopf is currently investigating a class action lawsuit pertaining to Knee Walker quick-release failures. A quick release (QR) is a device found on thousands of medical walking aids, such as rollators, sold in the United States each year. Its function is to fix the foldable steering column in the upright position. The benefit of this feature is tool-free folding of the device for shipping and storage. If the QR is too loose it can come open while using, leading to the potential of a sudden loss of both the user’s support from the handlebars and the inability to control direction. Either of these situations can lead to a loss of control and a fall. If the QR is too tight the shaft can be permanently elongated, preventing proper closing tension from being achieved. This too can lead to the QR opening unexpectedly.
If you have experienced a Knee Walker or other medical device failure, please contact the lawyers at Sauder Schelkopf LLC by filling out the form to the right.
Sauder Schelkopf ( is a leading national class action law firm that advances the interests of its clients by recovering the money they have lost, and obtaining the relief to which they are entitled. The lawyers at Sauder Schelkopf have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of consumers and have earned their reputation as skilled and aggressive veteran litigators.